
Trying to figure out computers. Software Engineer @ Replit.


Selected Projects


Small reference guides written for myself and hosted here for convenience.


Infra Engineer – Replit (April 2022 - Present)

Replit is an online collaborative software creation platform that aims to bring the next billion software creators online. I’ve worked on the infrastructure that hosts hundreds of thousands of containers. Currently working on making the cloud accessible and easy to use with Deployments.

Software Engineering Intern – Datarisk (November 2021 - April 2022)

Datarisk develops custom data processing solutions and technologies. As part of the technology team, I am helping develop the company’s model API platform. We use F# and the .NET environment for development, along with Azure for online hosting.

Software Engineering Intern – Axur (May 2021 - November 2021)

Axur is a cybersecurity company aiming to make the web a safer place.

I worked on the company’s threat tracking platform. Mainly Javascript/Typescript stuff using React and a plethora of other JS frameworks.

Teaching Assistant – Functional Programming in Haskell (January

2022 - May 2022) I was a teaching assistant in an introductory Haskell course for Computer Science and Engineering Students. The course introduces functional programming in Haskell, going from basic functions to applicative parsers and monads.

Teaching Assistant – Programming Languages (2020-2021)

I was a teaching assistant for the Programming Languages course for two semesters. During this period, I worked on developing front-ends and interpreters for programming languages of multiple paradigms in Haskell.

Undergraduate researcher – Analysis of Software Product Lines (November 2019 - May 2022)

Under Prof. Vander Ramos, since late 2019 I am working on enhancing and developing software for the analysis of Software Product Lines. My team is currently implementing new techniques in the literature, as well as developing a solution for reusing previous results in order to speed up the analysis.