
Platform Software Engineer – Replit (April 2022 - Present)

Replit is an online collaborative development platform that aims to bring the next billion software creators online.

Software Engineering Intern – Datarisk (November 2021 - April 2022)

Datarisk develops custom data processing solutions and technologies. As part of the technology team, I am helping develop the company’s model API platform. We use F# and the .NET environment for development, along with Azure for online hosting.

Software Engineering Intern – Axur (May 2021 - November 2021)

Axur is a cybersecurity company aiming to make the web a safer place.

I worked on the company’s threat tracking platform. Mainly Javascript/Typescript stuff using React and a plethora of other JS frameworks.

Teaching Assistant – Functional Programming in Haskell (January 2022 - May 2022)

This is an introductory Haskell course for Computer Science and Engineering undergraduates.

Teaching Assistant – Programming Languages (2020-2021)

I was a teaching assistant for the Programming Languages course for two semesters. During this period, I worked on interpreters for multiple didactical programming languages in Haskell.

Undergraduate researcher – Analysis of Software Product Lines (November 2019 - May 2022)

Under Prof. Vander Ramos, I worked on on enhancing and developing software for the analysis of Software Product Lines. My team implemented implementing new techniques in the literature, as well as developing a solution for reusing previous results in order to speed up the analysis.

The work includes contributing to the ReAna-SPL tool, written in Java. as well as writing small tools in Haskell to interpret and analyze code and results. We’ve implemented the first instance of a Feature-Family-Product-based analysis as described in Castro et al in ReAna-SPL.